Application and Health Benefit of Ginger
- Ginger oil and powder contain Zingaibain which is anti-inflammatory in nature and help in treatment of muscle aches, headaches, arthritis, rheumatism and migraine.
- It is used for treating various stomach issues such as colic, indigestion, diarrhea, spasm and stomach aches.
- It is used in aromatherapy as it brings feeling of courageous and self-assurance and provides relief from depression, mental stress, dizziness, restlessness, exhaustion and anxiety.
- It has carminative effect; it is used to treat food poisoning, motion sickness and vomiting.
- It is anti-bacterial in nature which helps in intestinal infections and bacterial dysentery.
- It is also effective against yellow fever and malaria.
- It is used to provide relief from menstrual illness such as irregular, menstrual cramps and painful menstrual discharges.
- It is helpful in respiratory issues such as coughs, flu, asthma, breathlessness and bronchitis as it helps in removing mucus from throat and lungs.
- It strengthens heart health, reduces cholesterol level and prevent blood clotting and reduces risk of heart attack and stroke.
- It is used to treat kidney stone issues as it dissolves stones in kidney.
- It is used for haircare as it helps in controlling dandruff.
It is used as additive and flavoring agent in meat.